Does getting your dick sucked by, or sucking the cock of, an Asian ladyboy making you gay? Hell no it doesn’t! It might be different than what your friends are doing, but it certainly doesn’t make you gay. It just makes you more open to doing what feels good!
I know when I got my cock sucked for the first time by an Asian ladybody in Bangkok of all places I instantly realized something was up. In the beginning I had no idea the girl I brought home wasn’t born a girl. But once she started working my cock and seemed to know exactly how to make it feel the most pleasurable I began to wonder.
Once she finished me off it was her turn. When I found a boner where I was expecting a pussy I didn’t know what to think so I just stopped thinking and started going with the flow. The flow was a mouth full of sperm for the first time and somehow it didn’t feel dirty!
When it was my turn to fuck her pretty little ass I was again surprised with how good it felt compared to a vagina. It was tight. Much tighter than any vagina I had ever fucked. That kind of sealed the deal as far as my acceptance for transgender women was concerned.
I can’t afford to fly out and visit my ladyboys all of the time so I do the next best thing. On they have thousands of shemale tube videos tagged, categorized and ready to go. If you are curious about shemale porn or you are an aficionado this is one of those sites you will want to keep coming back to!